You need coverage

When you need procedural coverage, RadAssist LLC has your back with our highly specialized and experienced group of providers.

Whether you have a gap in coverage from vacation, leave, or just find yourselves needing extra assistance in the Department, you could benefit from an extra hand.

you contact us

RadAssist has a variety of practitioners with a broad wealth of expertise and knowledge allowing our team to step into each and every scenario with ease. All you have to do is contact us, and we take care of the rest. Yes, you heard correctly! Just say when and where—we handle every detail involved to get the practitioner or technician eligible.

It’s that easy.

We Supply a provider to assist

After gathering information about your specific need(s), RadAssist will sit down as a group and discuss who would be the best fit for that exact clinic, facility, or Radiology group. We then begin the process to deliver the absolute best personnel, along with managing all of the ends that need to be tied up so that practice is legalized and ready to roll.

Rad Assist

Imagine a world where:

  • Your patients never have to be rescheduled due to shortage of staff

  • Your Radiologists do not have to step away from their already busy office to perform procedures

  • A facility does not have to worry about losing revenue that a midlevel Radiology provider ensures.